The purpose of writing this blog is to understand how to create masters (e.g., Customer, Vendor, Item, GL Accounts and Bank accounts) manually inside the business central/NAV. As you all aware that there are several fields available when you open any master card, and all fields are not important and mandatory to fill. So, which one is mandatory we are going to see that.
Bank Account Card: -
What is Bank Account – A bank account is a financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution in which the financial transactions between the bank and a customer are recorded. Each financial institution sets the terms and conditions for each type of account it offers, which are classified in commonly understood types, such as deposit accounts, credit card accounts, current accounts, loan accounts or many other types of account. A customer may have more than one account. Once an account is opened, funds entrusted by the customer to the financial institution on deposit are recorded in the account designated by the customer. Funds can be withdrawn from loan loaders.

How to create Bank Account card in Business Central – Go to the Bank Account List page and then hit “NEW” button for new item creation:

When you hit new button then Bank Account card page will open. Same as other masters Bank account card is also a combination of Fast Tab.

In the General fast tab, below is the important fields which need to be filled and mandatory at the time of creation:

No. – Bank Account No. automatically populated from No. series setup if you set this as default or user can fill this manually at the time of creation.
Name – Fill the Bank account name.
Bank Account No. – Fill the Bank account no. as per your bank details.
In the Communication fast tab, all the fields are optional, you don’t need to fill all fields.

In the Posting fast tab, below is the important fields which need to be filled and mandatory at the time of creation:
